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Bev Wilkinson

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Bev Wilkinson

Helping people to think and work differently…

Bev Wilkinson is passionate about making learning stick and bringing learning to life. She achieves this by delivering 90 minute workshops on management and leadership topics in a style that is engaging and interactive. She also works with individuals coaching them in areas they have identified.

Just as you accelerate in your car to go faster, nuggets use accelerated learning which is all about appealing to all five senses, which ensures the brain is awake and absorbs messages more quickly.

The nuggets experience is memorable by using post-its, flip charts and exercises that challenge the brain.

90 minutes is the perfect time frame to impart two or three pieces of theory, with studies showing that the brain only concentrates for 45 minutes at a time. At the end of every workshop, the delegates are asked to share their “nuggets” of the key learnings. These demonstrate how the material is practical and easily applied back at work.

Bev makes sure that her coaching sessions are just as memorable as her workshops by mapping the client’s conversation out using post-it notes. This concept she calls “Colourful coaching” the stream of consciousness displayed gives the Client a snapshot of their thinking. The image and connections lead to new thinking and practical actions.

Before starting nuggets in 2004, Bev worked for The Walt Disney Company, which inspired her ideas that learning could be different.

She is:

  • CIPD qualified
  • CTi coaching
  • MBTI accredited
  • SDI qualified facilitator

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