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Young People

As a young person other people tell you that the world is your oyster and you can be and do anything you want! But, that can be a scary place as you may not be quite sure of how to go about this and what direction you should head in.  You may have your friends and your family around you who support you and give you well intended advice BUT you feel you need something else.

At wishfish we have first-hand experience of working with young people and know just how important your own mental health and wellbeing is. We pride ourselves on helping you manage your own wellness so that you emerge stronger and more resilient as you head into the next chapter of your life.

You have so many choices to make:

 What GSCE’s or A levels should I be studying? I don’t know what’s right for me. I loved History but I don’t want to be doing that for the next few years – there must be something more exciting for me.

 What if I got my grades and now want to go on to University – is that an option for me and do I want to do that? What subjects would I be best suited too? Where will I go? I’m actually not sure if I do want to go to University.

 What if I finish Uni and don’t know what to do with my life next? Do I apply to do a Grad Scheme; do I get a job; do I take a year out? If so, then what?? How do I even apply to companies to be considered as a great employee for them?

 What if I want to get a job and earn some money so I can do “stuff” for me? How do I write a great CV that will get me noticed? How do I get ready for an interview? What will I be asked? What if they don’t like me?

 What if I get that job? How do I show up for work? What’s expected of me? How do I behave in a work environment?

 What if I didn’t do too well at school – what can I do – I need some help please?

I’m anxious about my future – can you help me to overcome my anxiety and look after my mental health?

Wow!! All of these things spinning around in your head can feel overwhelming and all encompassing. Sometimes, you just want to talk to someone who doesn’t actually know you and will take you as they find you. That’s when talking to a wishfish coach will give you the space and freedom to explore your hopes and dreams in a safe environment. We work in partnership with you to explore the options available to you so that you can make the right choice for you.

Non-judgemental, trusting, faith and belief that you “can do” is what we pride ourselves on giving you. All we ask in return is that you commit to learning about who you are now and what makes you unique and special as you move forward into your future.

We're on Spotify, Buzzsprout and Apple Music! Our new Podcast, "Secrets from a Coach" is available to listen to for free. Join Debbie Green and Laura Thompson every week to get tips to evolve and maximise your confidence and success in the changing world of work.