We make decisions every day – some we consciously think about and others we don’t. What is important is making the right decision for you. As humans we are born to solve problems and when I work with people during a coaching session I know that if someone has a problem/issue they really do have the solution – you just have to dig a little deeper for it. Rest assured I know from experience that people do come up with a solution to any uncertainty they may be experiencing. And, more importantly it is the right decision for them based on where they are in their life at that moment in time. It does feel a bit scary as you step into the unknown but as the saying goes ‘magic happens outside of your comfort zone’.
Keep a clear head and trust yourself
It starts with having a clear head and being able to trust in yourself and use your intuition and judgement as you explore and look for the opportunities to ensure you make the right decision for you. Reminding yourself of what you are good at, what your strengths are, what talents you have, what qualities you bring to be able to solve your problem are all within us. Your inner confidence is there – it always has been – it just might have been quietened by your own unhelpful chatter.
Open the door of opportunity
Then, it’s about opening the ‘door of opportunity’ which means taking time to really think about what you want; then accepting responsibility for yourself; then being able to create the path to move on. You have to trust yourself and because you’ve looked at all of the options you can take that leap of faith and make your life happen. I’m always amazed at how creative, brave and trusting people are of themselves and when they start to achieve what they set out to achieve – they say ‘I wish I’d taken that chance earlier’. Hey – hindsight is a wonderful thing right!?! So my role as a coach is to bring together the reasonable mind and the emotional mind which creates the wise mind. With understanding and wisdom we can make great decisions because we’ve taken the time to slow down and really process our thoughts and feelings and connected with what we do know for sure. Then with confidence you can purposefully practice a new way of being because of the new decisions that you have made.
So if you want to create healthy, happy and safe choices then you have to be able to think straight – which means you have to quieten the chatter going around and around in your head. How do we do this I can hear you ask? Well here is a technique that I use to bring you into the present moment so that you can ‘slow down to go faster’. …..
Step 1
Ground yourself by placing your feet firmly on the floor and then consciously moving your mind down to your feet. Ask yourself – are my feet touching the ground? The answer is yes! So at that moment you are mindfully present.
Step 2
Breathe – consciously find where you breath is. You are obviously breathing but to consciously focus on your breath means that you are bringing your thoughts to your breath and how you are breathing. So once again, taking the chatter away from your thoughts and focusing on you in that moment.
Step 3
Take 3 deep belly breaths and consciously slow your thoughts down and visualise a quiet space in your head where you can see the door of opportunity. With that quiet mind you can then make a more rational, helpful, healthy, happy and safe decision.
Avoid the dilemma and the chatter and with a clear head make the right decision for you. It can be really hard to see the new shoots of growth that are within us all as they are maybe blocked by our past. Look hard for those green shoots of opportunity and possibility and give us a call if you’d like to talk it through to gain clarity and a clear direction as to where you are heading next. We, at wishfish care deeply about you making the right decision for you. So if you are ready to take that next step to understand more – then give Gail a call on 07496328745 or drop her an email on wishfishgail@aol.com to arrange an initial chat with one of our wishfish coaches.
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